Tuesday, 1 November 2011


Throughout my research, in my nightmares I see their faces by Allen Ault, is the most interesting article I have read to date. This article gives an insight on the perspective of the commissioner of Georgia Diagnostics, from 1971 to 1995, and the toll it takes on the men and women who are paid to participate in executions. Allen Ault tells the story of Thomas Dean Stevens and Christopher Burger 'monstrous' murder and their life changing experience.

After more that 10 years in prison Stevens and Burger had matured and become well rounded men under the circumstances; Ault refers to it as, "All these years later, after a little frontal-lobe development, they were entirely different people." (Ault, Allen. 2011) Although they were guilty, by confession, Ault believed that after all these years the death penalty was still an injustice. This article then goes to show that men and women should pay for the crimes with time and not with their life, as retribution. Ault believe that if he could preform a bona fide act that it would make his job worth while. Unfortunately even after saving many lives, the guilt of Stevens and Burger still remained as he watched an increased number of innocent inmates executed for crimes they did not commit. Ault was motivated to be apart of inmate lives in prison, but as a professor at the College of Justice and Safety at Eastern Kentucky University; His focus is to improve the justice system without having to be apart of its corrupt environment. In this article, it give an elaborate description into the feelings that executioners endure after perform such acts. These acts effect executioners physiologically, which impacts them to abuse alcohol and drugs as their relief.  

All in all, my conclusion remains that the death penalty should be eliminated from the justice system throughout the world. Executions effect more than just the inmates and persons whom are directly involved  in their lives, but also cause a long term psychological effect on executioners. Positive reinforcement is shown to be a better way to discipline humans. 

(Ault, Allen. 2011 http://web.ebscohost.com.rap.ocls.ca/ehost/detail?vid=4&hid=110&sid=fc0fd3bc-f1b7-4652-9e45-56cc128f2389%40sessionmgr114&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=66004873)


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